Monday, May 11, 2009

life goes on...

well, i promised myself i wouldn't blame my bad grades for the poor state and eventual death of my grandma this semester, but what can i say? i loved my grandma. i had good grades before she got sick. then she died. now they are not good. seems to add up. oh well. maybe next time i'll pass. third time's a charm.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


mission accomplished. thirty blogs this semester. i think fifteen of which have come from the past two weeks. well's been's been fun...

hola alguien

mi cumpleanos es el veintiuno de febrero del mil novecientos ochenta y nueve. y tu?

lo comes

tu mama es un burro. tu papa es una calabaza. soy bonita, y tu tienes un casa grande. no es tan bonita que mi casa. tu mama tampoco.


blog twenty-eight. i can see the finish line. it's beautiful...


just like these blogs. i think 30 is how many you gotta have to get full credit. and i'm on number twenty-seven.


just finished my major research paper. go me. last second. as always. it's my style.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

exciting news!

my brother's going to be living with me this summer!! i'm so psyched!

¡Tengo el mejor perrito del mundo!

holy crap i have the cutest doggie in the entire world.

<-----Se llama Reuben.




b-o-o h-o-o

what! i haven't registered for my fall classes yet!? i need to get on that. right after dr phil...ha jk


holy cow. the semester's almost over. gotta finish my research paper. bye

Saturday, May 2, 2009


my grandma died friday. it was sad. blog number twenty. right here...sweet.

it's that time again...

time to register for fall classes again. this school thing seems never-ending sometimes. where's the light at the end of this tunnel? i'm beginning to get nervous...


i'll be so glad when this english class is over. boo school. that is all.

Friday, April 24, 2009

die english

stupid research paper. i hate it. if i fail this class (again)...i'll die.

so close...

Why can't you just take her home? She's ready. Just take her.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


my least favorite adjective for a person.

no one will remember what you do or say. they'll only remember how you make them feel.


My least favorite class- psyl30. I don't get along with these girls. I don't like that they think they know EXACTLY what the professor is talking about. Maybe I'm projecting...yea, that's it.

Monday, April 20, 2009


my grandma has cancer. it's stage four. the last stage. she has two to six months. that's all.

Monday, March 23, 2009

untitled...except not

ebay is causing me anxiety. why can't you just buy what you want without having to compete with people?

Sunday, March 22, 2009

happy anniversary!

It's my three year anniversary with my boyfriend, Brian. Hoo-ray! Go us.


i went to kc yesterday with my family to visit devry university. i was sad. i don't want my bubbos to leave.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

two birds, one blog

Fui a ir al zoológico hoy, pero llovió. Tal es la vida.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

drama mama

oh boy. love is in the air. sometimes i wish i were married so i could have kids.

Monday, March 2, 2009

bit your quitching.

every time i think about how much i hate my jobs, it makes me so much more determined to do well in school; so when i graduate i can not be lowest on the totem pole anymore.


i'm really bad at blogging; it will be my demise in this class. (english classes will be the demise of my education) demise demise demise

Saturday, February 21, 2009

happy birthday to me's my birthday. and things couldn't be going worse. what a poopy day. and it's only 1 a.m...that can't be good.

I'm twenty today. not a huge milestone. nothing special really happens when you turn twenty. you're not a teenager anymore, but I stopped considering myself a teenager when I graduated high school. one more year til twenty-one. suh-weet. nothing really special about that either except I can drink legally. but I don't know a time when I've needed to be able to drink legally. illegally usually works just as well.

I'm listening to my roommate ruin her reputation in the next room. she's been out of school almost a year and is definitely still a teenager. my boyfriend is asleep after an argument that left me confused and wanting a cigarette. these walls are so thin. oh life. I'll never understand you.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Not Again

it is the first part of the month...again. ugh. i'm doing bills and crying my eyes out...again. i hate being a grown-up.

Friday, January 23, 2009


it's almost my birthday! i'm so excited! my almost-boyfriend said he was going to get me a wii! i love the wii! i'm sure it will distract me from that's just one more thing i'll have to overcome. like my boss says: it builds character.

Did You Know: This blog was written in song form. It is impossible comprehend unless it is sung.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


there once was a man named brian
i kicked him and he started cryin'
he just wouldn't stop,
so i gave him a WHOP!
and soon his tears he was dryin'

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


so yesterday was my first day of school. first day since the summer. it was crazy. i carpooled with my roommate. joy. (that's not her name, it was a snotty comment put there to express the feelings i have toward her) her name is misty. she's not all that bad...when she's sleeping (with every guy she knows). but i only have...EIGHT more months left on the lease. lucky me. wow, this blog is turning out to be quite the negativity hole. but i guess my attitude toward most things can be rather cynical at times. i am a happy person so maybe sarcastic is the better word. i'd probably be more positive right now if reuben (my dog) didn't think he had to chew on everything he sees. and if i he can't chew on it, he pees on it. it's like those are his only two options. no wait, there're three. if he can't chew on it, and can't pee on it, he must hump it.

typical male.