Wednesday, January 14, 2009


so yesterday was my first day of school. first day since the summer. it was crazy. i carpooled with my roommate. joy. (that's not her name, it was a snotty comment put there to express the feelings i have toward her) her name is misty. she's not all that bad...when she's sleeping (with every guy she knows). but i only have...EIGHT more months left on the lease. lucky me. wow, this blog is turning out to be quite the negativity hole. but i guess my attitude toward most things can be rather cynical at times. i am a happy person so maybe sarcastic is the better word. i'd probably be more positive right now if reuben (my dog) didn't think he had to chew on everything he sees. and if i he can't chew on it, he pees on it. it's like those are his only two options. no wait, there're three. if he can't chew on it, and can't pee on it, he must hump it.

typical male.

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